Goldberg Book

The Goldberg Family’s Book   Remember these wonderful folks?  My buddy Jon, his gorgeous Megan, and sweet sillies Owen and Sebby?  My Goldberg Family? Well, I was delighted to hand Jon their book today! I won’t get into why it took so long, and this turnaround time is definitely not the norm, but as of today,…

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Snyder Family Snow Session

Snyder Family Snow Session     Snyder Family Snow Session.  Don’t the words “Snow Session” just get you giddy?! When the Snyders asked me to photograph their family while they were in town visiting, there were two things they made very clear – 1. They would leave the details up to me. 2. They wanted…

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Snyder Family

The Snyder Family   When the Snyder Family asked me to photograph their family during their visit out here from the St. Louis area, I was probably as ecstatic for them as I was for myself.  What a fantastic idea!  Attention Midwestern families: if you take a trip to Colorado, why not knock out your family…

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Green Family Christmas

Green Family Christmas   Have you ever reconnected with someone you haven’t seen in YEARS, and they look exactly the same?  Like, exactly? It’s been 16 years since I’d seen my friend Kim, and she looked exactly the same as she did when I last saw her in high school.  Like, when she opened her front…

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The Beginning of My Blog!

Even though I don’t have any Colorado families in my Sweet Green Family yet, I’m going to make a strong effort to blog as if I did!  Until I do, I suppose my blog will mostly be about me personally.  Does anyone remember LiveJournal?  I have a feeling this will be a little like that.…

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